Deborah J. Short

Deborah J. Short

Deborah J. Short

Founder of the Academic Language Research & Training, LLC and Co-Creator of the SIOP Model

Savvas Learning Company

Deborah J. Short, PhD, founded Academic Language Research & Training, LLC and provides professional development on academic literacy, English-medium instruction, and content-based English language learning worldwide. Dr. Short co-developed the research-validated SIOP Model and has directed research and evaluation studies on English language learners and educational programs for the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Rockefeller Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, and others. She co-designed SIOP professional development for the Savvas Learning Company. Publications include SIOP Model books for Pearson, The 6 Principles books for TESOL, ESL textbooks for National Geographic Learning, and professional journal articles. She has presented at conferences in the U.S., Canada, the Middle East, Europe, South America, China, and New Zealand. She has taught ESL and EFL in New York, California, Virginia, and the DR Congo. She was President of TESOL International Association for 2020-21.